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Department of Plant Sciences

Plant Sciences achieves Labs-Gold Green Impact Award

Continuing three years of progress, we have been awarded the Labs Gold accolade from the University's Green Impact initiative! After Bronze and Silver in 2014-15, then Labs Silver and Gold in 2015-16, we continue to tackle the environmental impacts that our activity has.

Gabriela Doria, Yi Zhang, Sue Aspinall and Martin Howes attended the annual ceremony at Wolfson College to collect our Gold-Labs Green Impact slate. Hot weather, beautiful gardens and top-notch canapes!

The feedback from our auditor, Olivia, was quite encouraging:

"...really incredible efforts taken by this department!

 Particular efforts highlighted for praise include: waste-disposal (including cutting polystyrene waste); sharing of equipment; how close control of storage and purchasing was having a positive impact on performance.

The new addition to our slate family is now on display at Reception.

Visit our Energy & Environment pages for more information on our efforts.