If you're interested in joining the Theoretical and Computational Epidemiology Group please contact Professor Nik Cunniffe directly at njc1001@cam.ac.uk.
Projects in the group tend to require mathematical modelling and/or computer programming. Professor Cunniffe is therefore particularly interested in hearing from students with training in mathematics, physics, computer science or engineering. However, students from other backgrounds are very welcome, so long as they are interested in learning more about these topics. Such students with training in agronomy, biology and ecology are also encouraged: in the past similar students have been very successful here.
Prospective applicants should have, or expect to obtain, a good first degree, for UK students this means at least upper second class honours. Applicants with masters qualifications are also very welcome. There are many sources of funding for UK and international applicants, most notably the two Doctoral Training Partnership schemes in Biology at the University of Cambridge: the BBSRC-DTP and the NERC-DTP. If you intend to apply for one of these schemes with a view to progressing to a PhD in the Theoretical and Computational Epidemiology Group, please get in touch with Professor Cunniffe.
Other funding is available from many sources such as scholarships from funding bodies in particular home countries, the British Council or schemes operated by the University of Cambridge, such as the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, Cambridge Overseas Trust and Cambridge European Trust. Please get in touch with Professor Cunniffe to discuss what is possible.
Other funding is available from many sources such as scholarships from funding bodies in particular home countries, the British Council or schemes operated by the University of Cambridge, such as the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, Cambridge Overseas Trust and Cambridge European Trust. Please get in touch with Professor Cunniffe to discuss what is possible.
Prospective postgraduate students are required to apply through the University's Applicant Portal. For information on how to apply, including course entry requirements, deadlines and application fees, visit the Postgraduate Admissions website. Any available PhD projects are listed below: