If you're interested in joining the Evolution and Diversity Group please contact Dr Samuel Brockington directly at sb771@cam.ac.uk for further details and expressions of interest.
Dr Brockington is happy to assist with the fellowship applications of any prospective postdoctoral researchers. There are options for shorter term visting fellowships as well as longer term positions. Dr Brockington has experience with applications to a variety of funding agencies, including the EU Marie Cure Initiative, Leverhulme Trust, and the Royal Society, if you're interested in these opportunities contact Dr Brockington.
Undergraduate students
Dr Brockington encourages applications from undergraduates looking for short internships and summer research placements and is happy to assist in obtaining scholarships and funding to support research and living costs. Funding can be obtained from the Cambridge college system for internal applicants, as well as from a variety of external funding bodies. If you are interested contact Dr Brockington.
Masters students
Dr Brockington is keen to engage with masters students looking for thesis projects. Previous masters students have carried out a range of projects, including the evolution and development of petals in Lewisia, co-evolution of stomatal and cuticle transcriptional regulators and the dynamics of cuticle formation in early land plants. I have a number of systematics-style projects that would be of interest to students from the MSc in Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh and the MSc in Biodiversity and Taxonomy at the Natural History Museum London. Contact Dr Brockingto, if you're interested.
Informal applications from students who wish to study for a PhD in the Evolution and Diversity Group are always welcome, contact Dr Brockington for an informal discussion of opportunities. For UK students, funding is available from BBSRC, AJ Keith Studentship, Lewin Fritsch Studentship. For International students funding is available from Gates Cambridge Scholarships, Cambridge Trust Scholarships and Cambridge Home and European Scholarships. Prospective postgraduate students are required to apply through the University's Applicant Portal. For information on how to apply, including course entry requirements, deadlines and application fees, visit the Postgraduate Admissions website. Any available PhD projects are listed below: