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If you're interested in joining the Plant-Parasite/Pathogen Interactions Group please contact Professor Sebastian Eves-van den Akker directly at The group is particularly keen to support Marie Curie, EMBO and Discovery fellows in the areas of effector biology, horizontal gene transfer, cell wall biology/degradation during infection and mitochondrial genome evolution.
The group is proudly international, diverse, and welcoming. We are always open to sharing ideas and resources to address interesting questions. Several past/present members of the lab held or hold international fellowships and studentships, and we support applications at all career stages. The lab is currently funded by the BBSRC, Wellcome Trust and Newton Trust, The Rank Fund and the European Union Horizon 2020 programme.


Postdoctoral positions will be advertised on the University's job site as they become available.

Professional Services

Professional Services positions will be advertised on the University's job site as they become available.



Contact Dr Eves-van den Akker for an informal discussion and for further details before submitting an application. Prospective postgraduate students are required to apply through the University's Applicant Portal. For information on how to apply, including course entry requirements, deadlines and application fees, visit the Postgraduate Admissions website. Any available PhD projects are listed below: