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Department of Plant Sciences


How do I find a potential supervisor?

Applicants should contact a potential supervisor before proceeding with their application. You can browse the personal/group pages of the Research Group Leaders to check details of their research.


Is there a Postgraduate Open Day?

The Postgraduate Virtual Open Day usually takes place at the beginning of November. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions to admissions staff and academics, explore the Colleges virtually, and to find out more about courses, the application process and funding opportunities. Visit the Postgraduate Open Day page for more details.


Am I eligible to apply for admission?

Information on entry requirements can be found on the University’s Postgraduate Admissions website.

You are normally expected to hold or to have achieved by the start of your course:

  • minimum of an upper second class (high 2:1) honours degree from a UK university or an equivalent standard from an overseas university; and
  • completion of, or release from, any current training or education course

To check if your international qualification meets the University minimum requirement, please consult the International section.

You should be aware that meeting the University’s or departments’ minimum academic requirements does not guarantee entry; it is only one of the factors taken into account when academic selectors make their decision. Many other factors are also important, such as suitability for the course, proficiency in English, relevant experience, references, availability of a suitable supervisor, and the number of available places.


What are the costs of studying at Cambridge?

Information is available here.


Will I need to pass an English Language Test?

Competence in the English language is an entry requirement. For details please the Postgraduate Admissions website.


Do I need to have passed an English Language Test before applying?

You do not need to take a test before you apply. You can apply for your course and provide evidence at the later stage. Details can be found on the Postgraduate Admissions website.


I am an international student. Do my qualifications meet the minimum academic standard required?

To check the equivalence guidelines for your home country please see here.


How do I apply?

Postgraduate applicants apply through the University’s Applicant Portal.


Where can I find out more about the courses being offered by the Department of Plant Sciences?

Information can be found here.


When should I submit my application?

We recommend that you submit your application as early as possible. Please note that funding deadlines often differ to course application deadlines and you should check relevant deadlines very carefully. For detailed information on funding please visit the University’s Postgraduate Admissions website.


Is there an application fee?

Yes. There is an application fee for each application submitted. The Postgraduate School of Life Sciences has a scheme which enables three applications to be made with payment of a single application fee. A fee waiver applies in certian circumstances. For more details see here.


How long will it take for a decision to be made?

The Department considers applications as they are received on a rolling basis and you should usually expect to hear about the outcome of your application within twelve weeks of submitting your completed application and all required supporting documents.


Will I need to attend an interview?

Yes. Interviews will be conducted in person or via video call.


When will I hear about funding decisions?

For details see here.


Who do I contact for any further questions not listed here?

Please contact the Postgraduate Student Administrator for any further queries: