Current Partners and Collaborators
1) WAVE [Central and West African Virus Epidemiology]; 2) CIMMYT [International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre]; 3) UK Met Office; 4) ATA [The Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency]; 5) EIAR [The Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research; 6); FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization]; 7) ARRCC [Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate Programme]; 8) USDA [United States Department of Agriculture]; 9) FCDO [Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Gov.UK]; 10) Queensland Government [Department of Agriculture Food and Fisheries, Agri-Science Queensland]; 11) DEFRA [Dept. for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Gov.UK]; 12) Dept. of Hydrology and Meteorology, Government of Nepal; 13) Ministry of Agriculture, Gov. of Ethiopia; 14) Mail [Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Afghanistan]; 15) NARC [National Agricultural Research Centre, Pakistan]; 16) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; 17) Pakistan Agricultural research Council; 18) DAE (Dept. of Agricultural Extension, Bangladesh); 19) Forest Research, UK; 20) Scriptoria, Sustainable Development Solutions, UK; 21) BWMRI [Bangladesh Wheat and Maize Research Institute]; 22) KALRO [Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organisation]; 23) University of Queensland, Australia; 24) ARIA [Agricultural Research institute of Afghanistan]; 25) Bangladesh Meteorological Dept., Gov. of Bangladesh
Former group members
Dr Israël Tankam Chedjou, MSCA Bienvenüe Postdoctoral researcher, Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, France
Dr David Godding, Information and Data Officer at Enferm.
Dr Daniel Bonnery, Analyst (Chargé d'études), Direction Régionale de l'Insee de l'Île de France in Saint Quentin en Yvelines.
Dr Anna Szyniszewska, Technical Lead on the Global Burden of Crop Loss initiative, CABI. Formerly Postdoctoral Research Associate working on cassava pathogens in sub-Saharan Africa.
Francisco F. Laranjeira, Embrapa Cassava & Fruits, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa).
Dr Hola Adrakay, Senior Statistician and Modeller, INRA French National Institute for Agricultural Research.
Dan Safka. Former programming support for epidemic mapping and handling of host and meteorological data.
Dr Clare Allen, British Antarctic Survey. Former postdoctoral research associate in atmospheric physics working on the Ethiopian wheat rust early warning system.
Dr Ciara Dangerfield, Isaac Newton Institute, working to improve the use of maths in industry. Former postdoctoral research associate working on tree health and plant biosecurity.
Dr Martin Vyska, research in connection with banking and hedge fund management. Former postgraduate student working on options theory for disease control.
Dr Matthew Castle, Human Resources Division, University of Cambridge. Former postdoctoral research associate.
Dr Matthew Patrick, postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan. Former postdoctoral research associate working on computational methods for epidemic models.
Dr Joao Filipe, postdoctoral research fellow, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, University of Newcastle. Former postdoctoral research associate working on oak diseases.
Dr Franco Neri, European Food Safety Authority. Former postdoctoral research associate working on Bayesian estimation for epidemic models.
Dr Irina Tikhonova, Senior Research Fellow in Health Economic Modelling, University of Exeter Medical School. Former postdoctoral research associate working on individual based models.
Anne Bates, former Senior Research Technician.
Dr Alex Cook, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore. Former postdoctoral research associate working on the optimal design of experiments relating to epidemics.
Dr Wilfred Otten, Senior Lecturer, Biophysics of Soil Ecosystems, University of Abertay. Former senior research associate in soil physics working on testing an epidemiological framework to quantify the spatio-temporal dynamics of saprotrophic activity of soil-borne fungi.
Dr Adam Kleczkowski, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling. Former senior research associate modelling the influence of spatial and temporal heterogenities on dynamics of ecological and epidemiological systems.
Dr Stephen Parnell, PDRA USDA Horticulture Laboratory, Fort Pierce, Florida. Former postgraduate student working on modelling invasion of fungicide resistant strains in disease complexes.
Dr David Claessen, Veni Vidi Vici Fellowship, Netherlands. Former postdoctoral research assistant in modelling. Transgene-induced life history changes and the ecology of transgenic crops based at Rothamsted Research in joint project with Dr van den Bosch.
Dr Graeme Forster, Research Associate, Orbis Investment. Former postgraduate student working on dynamics and control of disease in populations: linking epidemiology and economic modelling.
Isabelle Moltini. Former technical research assistant (DEFRA).
Dr Chad Pillinger, Research Services Division, University of Cambridge. Former postdoctoral research associate in plant pathology working on an integrated epidemiological approach to evaluate control strategies and disease risk of Rhizoctonia in field vegetables.
Dr Lara Jamieson, MRC Statistics, University of Cambridge. Former research associate working on Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of spatio-temporal disease maps.
Dr Jonathan Ludlam, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge. Former postdoctoral research associate testing an epidemiological framework to quantify the spatio-temporal dynamics of saprotrophic activity of soil-borne fungi.
Dr Dawn Muddyman, Plant Pathologist, UK Cereal Pathogen Virulence Survey, NIAB. Former postgraduate student working on chemical and biological control of the invasion of soil-borne fungal disease.
Dr James Truscott, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Imperial College. Former postdoctoral research associate working on application of perturbation theory to temporal and spatio-temporal models for disease dynamics and spread of Rhizomania disease.
Dr Adrian Stacey, computing consultant on robotics, Royston. Former postgraduate student and postdoctoral research associate working on development of computer models for epidemiological analyses and modelling of fungalgrowth.
Dr Paula Kantola, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Helsinki. Former postgraduate student working on microcosms experiments of epidemics of Rhizoctonia solani.
Dr Déirdre Hollingsworth, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Imperial College. Former postgraduate student working on invasion and persistence of disease and other micro-organisms in crop environments.
Dr Richard Hall, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis. Former postgraduate student working on modelling invasion of fungicide resistant strains in heterogeneous crop environments.
Dr Andrew Park, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Parasite Ecology Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge. Former postgraduate student funded by NERC working on temporal and spatial models for metapopulation dynamics involving fungal infection of plants.
Dr Simon Gubbins, Mathematical Modeller, Veterinary Laboratory Agency. Former junior research fellow working on epidemiology and modelling of plant disease with particular reference to biological control and pesticide resistance.
Dr Jane White, Lecturer in Mathematical Biology, University of Bath. Former Wellcome Research Fellow, Department of Zoology, working on development of reaction-diffusion-advection models for temporal and spatialdynamics of three species interactions involved in biocontrol of plant pathogens.
Dr Chris Thornton, Research Fellow in Plant Pathology, University of Exeter. Former BBSRC postdoctoral research assistant working on use of monoclonal antibodies to detect and quantify populations of Rhizoctonia solani and Trichoderma viride. Joint project with Dr Dewey, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford.
Barrie Goddard, Computer Officer, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge. Responsible for computer maintenance, graphics and data preparation as well as mycological experimentation assists with spatial and temporal modelling project.
Dr David Jaccoud, Lecturer in Plant Pathology, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil. Former affiliated postgraduate student working at NIAB on RAPD methods for detection of seed-borne pathogens of soyabean.
Dr Kai Schmidt, Affiliated Researcher, University of Bonn. Formerly postdoctoral research associate funded by MAFF working on models for crop growth in relation to soil water and nitrogen response. Joint project with Dr Sylvester-Bradley ADAS, Soil Science Group.
Dr Mette Creaser, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Applied and Molecular Ecology, University of Adelaide. Former postgraduate student working on use of molecular and other methods to quantify the behaviour of pathogens and microbial antagonists in the rhizosphere and bulk soil.
Dr Keith Briggs, Senior Research Associate, BT Research Laboratories, Martlesham Heath. Formerly postdoctoral research associate funded by BBSRC working on estimation of parameters of ecological models. Joint project with GJS Ross, Statistics Department, IACR, Rothamsted Experimental Station.
Dr Jonathan Swinton, NERC Advanced Research Fellow, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge. Former postdoctoral research associate on Dutch elm disease and seal distemper virus. Epidemics in spatially structured populations.
Dr Deborah Long, Mathematical Analyst, Merchant Bank. Former postgraduate student working on analysis and prediction of nonlinear dynamics in biological control of plant pathogens.
Kirsty Harris, Research scientist in soil science, Scottish Crops Research Institute. Former technical research assistant working on thin section analysis thin section analysis of fungal growth in soil, working at Scottish Crops Research Institute in connection with the joint project with Dr Otten, Cambridge, and Dr Young and Dr Ritz at SCRI.
- Dr Gemma Biran, Patent Lawyer. Former postgraduate student working on biological control of soil-borne nematodes. Joint project with Professor Kerry, IACR Rothamsted.
- Israel Tankam, MSCA-Bienvenue Postdoctoral Fellow at Institut Agro Rennes-Angers.
Dr Jeff Reid, Independent Consultant. Modelling in relation to African plant health.
Dr Matthew Parry, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Otago, New Zealand. Bayesian methods for parameter estimation of emerging epidemics.
Alex Ferris, Bioengineering PhD student, Stanford University and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Intern. Modelling within-field dynamics and surveillance for cassava disease.