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Almeida DRA, Stark SC, Shao G, Schietti J, Nelson BW, Silva CA, Gorgens EB, Valbuena R, Papa DA & Brancalion PHS (2019) Optimizing the remote detection of tropical rainforest structure with airborne lidar: leaf area profile sensitivity to pulse density and spatial resolution
Hernando A., Puerto L., Mola-Yudego B., Manzanera J.A., García-Abril A., Maltamo M. & Valbuena R. (2018) Estimation of forest biomass components through airborne LiDAR and multispectral sensors. iForests
Valbuena R., Hernando A., Manzanera J.A., Görgens E.B., Almeida D.R.A., & García-Abril A. (2017) Evaluating observed versus predicted forest biomass: R-squared, index of agreement or maximal information coefficient?. European Journal of Remote Sensing
Almeida DRA, Stark SC, Schietti J, Camargo JLC, Amazonas NT, Görgens EB, Rosa DM, Smith MN, Valbuena R, Saleska S, Nelson BW, Mesquita R, Laurance WF, Lovejoy TE & Brancalion PHS (2018) Revealing persistent impacts of more than 20 years of tropical rainforest fragmentation on canopy structure and forest function with Lidar remote sensing
Valbuena R., Hernando A., Manzanera J.A., Martínez-Falero E., García-Abril A., & Mola-Yudego, B. (2017) Most Similar Neighbour Imputation of Forest Attributes Using Metrics Derived from Combined Airborne LIDAR and Multispectral Sensors. International Journal of Digital Earth 10.1080/17538947.2017.1387183 DOI