Research Group
Biography/Research Overview
I am interested in how ecosystems respond to global change, specifically the impacts on soil carbon cycling and microbial community structure and function. Previously, I have worked across a wide variety of ecosystems including temperate and tropical forests, boreal peatlands, and freshwater streams. Most of my research has utilised long-term climate manipulation experiments to explore ecosystem-level responses to climate change factors including warming, elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and precipitation change.
In my current project, working within the Centre for Landscape Regeneration, I am exploring the fate, transformation, and persistence of soil organic matter across a network of farms in the East Anglian fenlands, with a particular focus on the role of organo-mineral associations in soil carbon stabilisation.
Previous positions
2022-2023 Research Technician, University of Manchester, UK
2018-2022 Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Warwick, UK
2021 Doctoral Exchange Student, Western University, Canada
2020 Doctoral Policy Placement Student, Welsh Government, UK
2017-2018 Research Assistant, Imperial College London, UK
2017 Visiting Student, Háskóli Íslands, Iceland
2016-2017 Visiting Student, Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Germany
2023 PhD Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, UK
2017 MRes Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, Imperial College London, UK
2016 BSc. (Hons) Biology, University of Manchester, UK
Key publications
A simple model predicts how warming simplifies wild food webs (2019), Nature Climate Change.
Spontaneous mutation rate is a plastic trait associated with population density across domains of life (2017), PLoS Biology.
All publications
2021-present, British Society of Soil Science Early Career Committee member.