Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 02/10/2023 - 10:55
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship applications open
- Excellent candidates for 2024 externally-funded post-doctoral Fellowship schemes are invited to apply by 1st December to attend our Research Fellowship Open Day in February 2024.
- Shortlisted applicants will be invited to visit the Department on 7th February to discuss their proposal / application with members of staff.
- Selected applicants will then be supported and mentored through the post-doctoral Fellowship application process.
Hosting externally-funded post-doctoral Fellowships in the Department of Plant Sciences
We welcome approaches from candidates who are thinking of applying for externally-funded Fellowships, such as:
- Royal Society University Research Fellowships
- BBSRC Discovery Fellowships
- NERC Independent Research Fellowships
- European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants
- EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action awards.
The Department has an excellent tradition of supporting Research Fellows in terms of providing financial support for laboratories and equipment, and PhD studentship opportunities, as well as promoting career development and collaborative expertise.
Research in the Department of Plant Sciences
The Department of Plant Sciences is one of the foremost centres for research in plant science, with world-leading groups across the breadth of the subject from genetics and epigenetics, through plant physiology and biochemistry, to epidemiology and remote sensing at the landscape scale. The Department has five strategic targets: enhancing production of plant-derived products; reducing agricultural inputs; cutting loses from pests and pathogens; enabling resilience to environmental change; and delivering sustainable, bio-diverse landscapes. It also hosts the Plants @ Cambridge initiative which aims to put plant research into practice.
Successful Fellows will be provided with office and lab space, and resources for research including access to PhD studentships, plant growth facilities and glasshouses, and high-performance computing and imaging facilities.
How to apply
Applicants should send a completed pro-forma including a short summary (200 words maximum) of their proposed research topic, and their CV, highlighting their top 5 publications, to researchfellows@plantsci.cam.ac.uk by 1st December 2023.
The University is a signatory to the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA); we will not assess your journal or citation metrics, so please do not include these in your CV.
We welcome applications from individuals who wish to be considered for part-time working or other flexible working arrangements.