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Department of Plant Sciences


Research Group

Epidemiology & Modelling

Biography/Research Overview

I have a Ph.D. in Applied Physics, focusing on biophysical, mathematical, and advanced statistical methods for modelling biotic and abiotic agricultural risks and diseases. Since my early professional career, I aimed to find ways to manage the risk of exacerbation and expansion of insect pests, rodents, and pathogens due to climate change and to develop adaptation strategies to minimize major pest-related crop economic losses. My main tasks were to design and develop a computer-based pest and disease simulator, with additional lecturing commitments, teaching physics to undergraduate students, mentoring, and supervising postgraduate students. Additionally, I have provided consultation services for the financial sector on the development of trading robots to improve traders' ability to perform operations in the foreign exchange market.

In my current role I apply a combination of computational modelling and parameter estimation to landscapes, pest and pathogen surveys, and farmer behaviour, supported by meteorological data. I develop and test theoretical frameworks to identify epidemiological mechanisms to predict and control pathogen and pest outbreaks in changing agricultural and natural landscapes.

Previous positions

Oct. 2022 - Dec. 2023, Teacher, University of Douala

Dec. 2022 - Dec. 2023, Consultant, Akeeba Investments Ltd.

Feb. 2018 - Dec. 2022, Researcher, International Rice Research Institute


2014 – 2018, PhD, Physics, University of Yaoundé 1

2010 – 2013, Master of Science, Physics, University of Yaoundé 1

2007 – 2010, Bachelor of Science, Physics, Le Mans Université

Key publications

Using Coupling Imperfection To Control Amplitude Death (2023). Physical Review E, vol. 117, 054207.

Diversity-enhanced stability (2023). Physical Review E, vol. 108, 024206.

The effect of climate variability in the efficacy of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium acridum against the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (2022). Scientific Reports, vol. 12, 7535.

Understanding biological control with entomopathogenic fungi - insights from a stochastic pest-pathogen model (2021). Chaos, vol. 31, 023126.

Conditions for a second wave of COVID-19 due to interactions between disease dynamics and social processes (2020). Frontiers in Physics, vol. 8, 574514.

Spatial panorama of malaria prevalence in Africa under climate change and interventions scenarios (2018).

International Journal of Health Geography, vol. 17, 2.


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Research Associate

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