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Department of Plant Sciences

It takes two to tango

The NOPE1 gene is required for arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in maize. The causal gene is now identified using rice. It is the first identified GlcNAc transporter in plants, needed for presymbiotic fungal reprogramming.

Nadal M, Sawers R, Naseem S, Bassin B, Kulicke C, Sharman A, An G, An K, Ahern KR, Romag A, Brutnell TP, Gutjahr C, Geldner N, Roux C, Martinoia E, Konopka JB, Paszkowski U. An N-acetylglucosamine transporter required for arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses in rice and maize. Nature Plants.

Also read:

Nature Plants has published a ‘News & Views’ article highlighting the novelties of the work

Phys Org News: Why communication is vital—even among plants and funghi


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Hypothetical model of NOPE1 function. Fungal perception root-released strigolactones (SL) leads to increased hyphal branching and increased metabolic activity. The
steep SL gradient adjacent to the root navigates the fungus towards the root. In the absence of functional NOPE1 (A) fungal responses to SL are intact, however efficient physical interaction is compromised. In the presence of functional NOPE1 (B) availability of a bioactive molecule in the rhizosphere conditions the fungus for symbiosis.